templates/epyp/fr/index.html.twig line 1

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  1. {% extends 'base.html.twig' %}
  2. {% block title %}EPYP{% endblock %}
  3. {% block body %}
  4. </div>
  5. <div style="background-image: url('{{ asset('uploads/images/'~ images['image-haut'].url) }}'); width: 100%; min-height: 500px; background-position: center; position: relative; background-repeat: no-repeat;background-size: cover"
  6.      class="primary">
  7.     <div class="w-100 fs-1 fw-semibold  position-absolute top-50  start-50 translate-middle text-white text-center"  style="height: 10vh">
  9.     </div>
  10.     <a href="#section1">
  11.         <button type="button"
  12.                 class="btn btn-primary fw-semibold p-3 mx-auto position-absolute top-75 start-50 translate-middle">
  13.             Découvrir
  14.         </button>
  15.     </a>
  16. </div>
  17. <div class="w-100" style=" min-height: 100vh">
  18.     <div class="container-fluid p-md-5 p-sm-2" style=" min-height: 80vh">
  19.         <div class="row align-items-center d-flex">
  20.             <div class="col-md-6 col-sm-12 p-md-5 p-sm-2 text-left my-5 " style="text-align: justify">
  21.                 <div class="px-md-5">
  22.                     <span class="fw-bold fs-3" style="color: #6E8BC4">Le projet</span> <br>
  23.                     {% if texts is not empty and texts['text-1'].content is not empty %}
  24.                         {{ texts['text-1'].content|raw }}
  25.                     {% endif %}
  26.                 </div>
  27.             </div>
  28.             <div class="col col-md-6 col-sm-12 my-5">
  29.                 <img src="{{ asset('uploads/images/'~ images['image-centre'].url) }}" alt="" class="w-75 mx-auto d-block">
  30.             </div>
  31.         </div>
  32.         <div class="container-fluid text-center p-5" style=" min-height: 10vh">
  33.             <a href="#section2">
  34.                 <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary fw-semibold p-3">
  35.                     Continuer
  36.                 </button>
  37.             </a>
  38.         </div>
  39.     </div>
  40. </div>
  41.     <div class="w-100 text-center fs-1 fw-semibold p-5" id="section2">
  43.     </div>
  44.     <div class="container-fluid p-md-5 p-sm-0">
  45.         <div class="row">
  46.             <div class="col-md-6 col-sm-12 p-md-5 p-sm-4 text-left py-5 " style="text-align: justify">
  47.                 <div class="p-md-5 p-xs-2">
  48.                     <span class="fw-bold fs-3" style="color: #6E8BC4">Méthodologie</span> <br>
  49.                     {% if texts is not empty and texts['text-2'].content is not empty %}
  50.                         {{ texts['text-2'].content|raw }}
  51.                     {% endif %}
  52.                 </div>
  53.             </div>
  54.             <div class="col-md-6 col-sm-12 p-md-5 p-sm-4 text-left py-5  " style="text-align: justify">
  55.                 <div class="p-md-5 p-xs-2 mx-auto">
  56.                     <span class="fw-bold fs-3" style="color: #6E8BC4">Nos actions</span> <br>
  57.                     {% if texts is not empty and texts['text-3'].content is not empty %}
  58.                         {{ texts['text-3'].content|raw }}
  59.                     {% endif %}
  60.                 </div>
  61.             </div>
  62.         </div>
  63.         <div class="container-fluid text-center p-md-5 p-sm-2 mt-5">
  64.             <a href="{{ path('app-questionnaire-index') }} ">
  65.                 <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary fw-semibold p-3">
  66.                     Accéder à l'outil
  67.                 </button>
  68.             </a>
  69.         </div>
  70.         <div class="container-flex fw-light">
  71.             <div class=" text-center mx-auto ">
  72.                 {% if texts is not empty and texts['text-4'].content is not empty %}
  73.                     {{ texts['text-4'].content|raw }}
  74.                 {% endif %}
  75.             </div>
  76.         </div>
  77.         {{ include('/_includes/consortium_epyp.html.twig') }}
  78.         {% endblock %}